Architecture for Children
What is the company?
Architecture For Children Limited is a Hong Kong non-profit organization registered with section 88 status. The founder and director is Vicky Chan, who serves the company on a volunteer basis.
Why we teach?
We conduct classes once a week in primary schools. There are currently 4 primary schools who are working with us in Hong Kong. We have taught over 7,000 children for free since 2014

How we teach?
Through trial and error, children discover the beauty of scientific experiments as they develop their creative and critical thinking.

Free Classes:
We encourage people to use trash or recycled materials to build their projects. Feel free to email us if you want your ideas to be included.
Download advanced syllabus here for children aged 10 or older.
Download simple syllabus here for younger children.
We put together the best ideas we have collected from children in the last 18 years into a children book. Children can read and build along using found-at-home materials. Profit we will earn from this book will be used for us to cover our expenses of volunteering.

Our volunteers come from multiple background with the desire to promote equity, access, ecology and sustainability. The goal is to give our children a full spectrum of architecture. Our study is a mixture of art, design, math, science, culture and history

Our volunteering work is on display at the The American Institute of Architects Headquarter next to the White House until May 2017. Check AIA website for more information about the Emerging Professionals Exhibition.

Affiliated Institutes:
AIA Hong Kong – A Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
Boy Diocesan School Primary Division, Hong Kong
Farmacy HK
Growing Up Green in Brooklyn, New York
Kwun Tong Government Primary School (Sau Ming Road)
LaSalle Primary School, Hong Kong
Pratt Institute, New York
Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre, Hong Kong
Subform Eco-Product Design Competition
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – School of Design
The International Montessori School

We are a group of architects and young professionals who loves to make a difference. Architecture for children is a volunteer program sponsored by Avoid Obvious Architects. Feel free to contact us for collaboration opportunity.
Social Media:
Stay connected on our dedicated Facebook page. More video footage is on Facebook.
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Hong Kong:
New York:
- architecture for children
- architecture for children
- architecture for children