Installation /

Straws Canopy

Straws Canopy

We volunteered to help LaSalle Primary School with their Spring Festival. There were two parts to the event. One was to build a booth with limited budget and two was to design a game that children can play to learn about architecture. For the booth, we designed and built a curved canopy out of straws. Straw is a material that children are familiar with and they are also very cheap to get. We got 1000 straws for only 6 USD and we also recycled them after the event. Our booth was placed third in the design competition.

See our architecture for children program and mission.

Volunteer Team:

Vicky Chan (Architect)

Horus Wan (Software Engineer)

Edmund Chung (Teacher from LaSalle Primary School)



Straw Canopy, School project, kid school project, children construction, architecture for children

Straw Canopy at Night


Straw Canopy, School project, kid school project, children construction, architecture for children

Straw Canopy at night


Straw Canopy, School project, kid school project, children construction, architecture for children

Straw Canopy at night